Being the storyteller I am, I would like to follow up my previous post with two short stories. Deside for yourself what story suits best which people in our Zambian adventure. Maybe even both, maybe not one of them. Please let me know.
Story 1.
In the city of the well educated, the people loved to discuss the characteristics of aw wonderful creature, the eliphant. For every inhabitant in this city being blind no one had the slightest clou what an eliphant looked like. Some even doubted the very existence of this creature. But everyone felt the importance of talking about the concept, the necessity of transforming this idea into a perceivable living entity. The one day the people of this city were able to invent the best eliphant possible. And they became very exited about the achievement.

Some time later a stranger appeared at the gate, declaring he had an eliphant among his possession. The whole city felt silent. People knew now they would be able to really check there internal images, both a thrilling and a frightening idea. One after another people left the city, entered the coral of eliphant and started to explore this creature. Impressed and speechless every one of them returns home, the revelation of the eliphant concept hidden deep down in their minds and hearts.
Some people had been scrutinising the eliphant's leg and for sure the now knew an eliphant is like a giant tree. Some had been exploring the eliphant's trunk and discovered that an eliphant is like a snake. Some touched the eliphant's skin and became speechless. Some had been trying to reach out and feel the ever moving ears. For them an eliphant seemed like a gentle wind. Some had been researching the tail and they realised now that an eliphant was like a living piece of rope.
That night every inhabitant having been out there slept the sound sleep of the knowing people. They dreamed about the future, about beautiful eliphants living among them within in their city walls For the well educated it took some time before the started to share their perceptions and conclusions. I realy do hope found out what a reak eliphant looks like.
Story 2.
Once upon a time a holy man meditated everyday the whole day for the benefit of the world. Becoming famous, people from all over the country joined him in his mediation. This holy man owned a cat. This cat being quite a nervous animal was taken by the holy one to every meditation session. After a couple of years this cat became a part of the meditation itself. The holy man's followers waited for the cat to arrive (just behind the holy man) for they prepared themselves for joining in in the meditation. Both the holy man's meditation posture and the cat relaxed cleaning his body they found inspiring.
Once upon a time a holy man meditated everyday the whole day for the benefit of the world. Becoming famous, people from all over the country joined him in his mediation. This holy man owned a cat. This cat being quite a nervous animal was taken by the holy one to every meditation session. After a couple of years this cat became a part of the meditation itself. The holy man's followers waited for the cat to arrive (just behind the holy man) for they prepared themselves for joining in in the meditation. Both the holy man's meditation posture and the cat relaxed cleaning his body they found inspiring.
Even after the holy man passed away, his successor waited for the cat to accompany the meditation sessions.
Even after the cat passed away, they brought a new cat to lead each meditation session.
Generation after generation. Outsiders even named this congregation the cat in mediation cult.
Then a new holy man, maybe the 18th successor of the first, was elected. This man didn't like cats that much.
Even after the cat passed away, they brought a new cat to lead each meditation session.
Generation after generation. Outsiders even named this congregation the cat in mediation cult.
Then a new holy man, maybe the 18th successor of the first, was elected. This man didn't like cats that much.
Less than fifty years later the congregation received a new name. "Cat" was no part of it.
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