donderdag 8 november 2012

South African Evaluations (The Dance of the Hero)

Last October we were in South Africa. Partly for work, partly for wandering around in the South African wilderness.

Impression to our wanderings: photo's

Work meant facilitating  The Dance of the Hero workshops for educators (EDUC7 Conference) and for entreprneurs (ACRE18 Conference).

 That was great! The enthusiasm and the eagerness of the participants I experienced during the workshops was such, that it felt as contributing meaningfully to answer their needs. As teacher/educator I loved to work with students, teacher and school managers. The challenges the schools face are big! Passion, flexibility and creativity were the main concepts we worked on. As entrepreneur I loved to work with entrepreneurs, managers, consultants and organizations, too. The challenges they face nowadays are perhaps different but still big as well! Innovation/creativity power and open mindedness were the main concepts we worked on. 
It was good to be at both EDUC7 & ACRE18. The congresses were different, so I could adapt my "The Dance of the Hero" to the different needs of different groups of participants. I like that (it's one of the basics of "The Dance of the Hero"!). 

Oh, I loved to do my niteflite: a combination of performance (Hold on to the Wind...!) and workshop  I myself learned a lot during both conferences, too! 

Before returning to the Netherlands I was invited to facilitate an extra workshop for an Assurance Company in Pretoria (Sanlam)

A couple of days ago I received the evaluations of my EDUC7/ACRE18-workshops The Dance of the Hero. They made me happy. I was right about the particpants' eagerness and enthusiasm! Now I knew I made a meaningful contribution to their quests. And I prtetend to go on doing so!
Surely again in South Africa. Of course in the Netherlands, too. Hopefully in the USA and India as well (invitations received).

Evaluation comments:

EDUC7 Workshops

Excellent and very relevant;
Very interesting – developing self-awareness in situations;
Made me realise that dragons are there to be fought;
Loved it;
Very interesting;
Excellent role play;
Very interactive and enthusiastically presented;

A great experience to learn about different viewing points;
Inspiring – so much enthusiasm, well done!;
Great audience participation;
Changed my whole perception on how I see my learners and how to help them with their dragons.
Loved it – very energetic;
Great presentation;
Gave me new perspectives;
Interesting way of seeing things;
Great learning process;
Enjoyed it;
Well done – excellent;
A good one;
Awesome presenter;
Energetic, enthusiastic, engaging;
The most original input of the whole conference;
I loved it;
Brilliant, thank you;
By far the best!

ACRE18 Workshops

Great surprise;
Lots of fun.
Made me think;
Excellent thank you;
Wonderfully presented – original and fun;
Exciting and interesting.

zaterdag 3 november 2012

Indrukken uit de Zuid Afrikaanse Wildtuinen

Naast werk (De dans van de held - vergroten van je denkraam zowel in het Zuid Afrikaanse onderwijs als het het bedrijfsleven) betekende afgelopen maand ook heerlijk rondtrekken door verschillende wildparken of op zijn Afrikaans "Wildtuinen", zoals Marakele NP, Kruger NP in Zuid Afrika en en Mlilwane NP in Swaziland.

Hierbij een foto-impressie van onze reis (werk & rondreis):

Voor meer foto's, volg de link.
Verdere verhalen volgen nog op deze blog en op mijn verhalenblog

Marcel van der Pol

vrijdag 2 november 2012

Afrikaanse reacties op dansende helden

De afgelopen maand oktober waren zaten wij in Zuid Afrika, deels voor werk en deels om rond te zwerven door de Zuid-Afrikaanse wildernis. Werk hield in dat ik in verschillende omstandigheden "De dans van de held" heb mogen inzetten voor "bezielend en creatief lesgeven" (EUDC7 onderwijscongres), voor de "stimulering van innovatie en creativiteit in organisaties" (ACRE18 ondernemerscongres)en in de praktijk van een groot verzekeringsbedrijf (Sanlam Pretoria).
Prachtig om mee te maken hoe deelnemers bereid zijn out-of-the-box te stappen en vanuit nieuwe energie en perspectieven naar hun eigen vakgebieden te kijken en keuzes te maken.

Gisteren ontving ik via de email de evaluaties van beide congressen.
Ik ben erg blij met de evaluaties. Hieruit blijkt dat "De dans van de held" zeer zinvol is. Dat het werkt. Dat het mensen enthousiast en blij maakt. Er zijn al een aantal uitnodigingen (uit Zuid Afrika, India, USA) binnen om verder te werken.

Evaluation comments:

EDUC7 Workshops

Excellent and very relevant;
Very interesting – developing self-awareness in situations;
Made me realise that dragons are there to be fought;
Loved it;
Very interesting;
Excellent role play;
Very interactive and enthusiastically presented;

A great experience to learn about different viewing points;
Inspiring – so much enthusiasm, well done!;
Great audience participation;
Changed my whole perception on how I see my learners and how to help them with their dragons.
Loved it – very energetic;
Great presentation;
Gave me new perspectives;
Interesting way of seeing things;
Great learning process;
Enjoyed it;
Well done – excellent;
A good one;
Awesome presenter;
Energetic, enthusiastic, engaging;
The most original input of the whole conference;
I loved it;
Brilliant, thank you;
By far the best!

ACRE18 Workshops
Great surprise;
Lots of fun.
Made me think;
Excellent thank you;
Wonderfully presented – original and fun;
Exciting and interesting.

Heb ik weinig aan toe toe te voegen anders, dan ik met plezier doorga op de ingeslagen weg. En dat is om met De dans de held mensen en organisaties te helpen zelfstandig en met plezier hun denkraam te vergroten. Maakt niet uit of dat nu onderwijs, bedrijfsleven (van MKB tot internationals, overheid of bijv. gezondheidszorg is, de principes blijven hetzelfde (mensen zijn mensen, en leren is immers eerst verdwalen (out-of-your-box) om daarna je weg te vinden). De aanvliegroutes, de voorbeelden en de technieken en de vertaalslagen naar de praktijk, daarin zullen de verschillen zitten. Dat maakt het voor mij alleen maar boeiend.